Global ICT Supply Chain and the Evolved Semiconductor Industry

Taiwan's Electronics Industry Needs "New Thinking," "New Modes," and "New Layouts"

Colley Hwang, founder of DIGITIMES, conducted an industry lecture with the WT's board of directors and senior executives in early August. He provided in-depth analyses on the outlook trends of the global ICT supply chain and the evolved semiconductor industry, the exponential growth and business opportunities of the industry, the evolution of division and decentralized manufacturing, as well as issues related to artificial intelligence and geopolitics.

Colley Hwang stated that the explosive business opportunities and value chain brought by AI are restructuring the industry's opportunities, and analyzed from three perspectives: industry paradigms, integrated services, and supply chain efficiency. Under the AIoT trend, ecosystem services and reshaping brand positioning are crucial.

"In the future era of artificial intelligence, companies will only be able to find optimal value by positioning themselves properly." Colley Hwang pointed out that the key force driving industrial transformation are that, under the leadership of high-performance computing and cutting-edge manufacturing technologies, major brands are leveraging self-developed chips to seize diverse business opportunities, such as V2X and AIoT, to engage in regional production and to meets local demand through related applications.

Taiwan's advantages stem from its business model, management mechanism, technological R&D, and industrial integration. However, the most crucial factor lies in Taiwan's commitment to a collaborative and co-creative industrial structure with clients. The next decade will be a golden era for Taiwan's supply chain in the realms of AI and smart mobility.

The changes in industrial structure manifest in three major trends: integration of software and hardware, diverse and varied production, and regionalized manufacturing. These trends are also influencing the transformation of enterprises and the movement of the semiconductor supply chain. Due to the fact that Taiwan's electronics industry is expanding production bases in ASEAN and India, Colley Hwang suggested that, given Taiwan's limited resources, it is essential to leverage resources from other countries and adopt "new thinking" and exploit "new modes" for collaborative production to achieve a successful "new layout" in ASEAN and India.

Colley Hwang, the founder, delivered an excellent lecture, analyzing global trends in the semiconductor industry.

Brian Ko, Vice President of WT Microelectronics, engaged in a lively discussion with the lecturer, posing questions and exchanging ideas.

Eric Cheng, the Chairman of WT Microelectronics, personally presented a small gift to Colley Hwang to express sincere gratitude.

Colley Hwang took a group photo with WT Microelectronics board of directors (front row) and senior executives after the lecture.